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[charm] Solid Christian Books For Spring

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  • From: CP Books <cpbooks AT>
  • To: charm AT
  • Subject: [charm] Solid Christian Books For Spring
  • Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 10:42:00 -0400
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  • Organization: CP Books

Calvary Press Publishing
Discount Book Service

It's finally here…The Heart of Anger Workbook!!
By Lou Priolo and Amy Baker

This is the companion study guide to one of the most important Christian
books ever published: The Heart of Anger. The book itself started a
revolution in the realm of Christian counseling. Rather than dealing with
simply behavior patterns, it went right to the "heart" of the matter: the
inner workings of our motives and behavior in the light of God's word. It
examined not just how to control anger in children, but why children are
angry and, moreover, how adults at times contribute to that anger. In so
doing, it also addressed the anger found in adult behavior that is passed on
to children. This long-awaited workbook acts as a resource to get you to
think through these issues in conjunction with the book. If you've never
read the book, order a copy now! If you have the book, the workbook is a
must, and makes for an excellent small group Bible study!
Softcover, $14.99
Buy the Heart of Anger and the workbook together and receive both for only

The End Times Made Simple
How Could Everybody Be So Wrong About Biblical Prophecy?
By Samuel E. Waldron

Rapture? Pre-Trib? Post-Trib? Millennium? Confused? You should be! In
today's Evangelical Christian world, eschatology-or the study of the "Last
Things"-has been turned into a sort of pseudo-science with a plethora of
authors claiming to know exactly the scenario of events that are to take
place just prior to the Lord Jesus Christ's return. On one hand, believers
are told they must follow the unbiblical, complex and bizarre scheme of
Dispensationalism, with its "Secret Rapture," political Anti-Christ and
worldly Millennium. On the other, those in the "full preterist" camp tell
them that all biblical prophecy has been fulfilled in the past and that they
should not look for the sky to break open and Our Lord to descend in judgment
and triumph. But the author of this work claims that both are wrong and that
eschatology, despite what many will tell you, is really a rather simple and
straight forward affair. His thesis is that there is This Age, and The Age
to Come…we will be, or ar
e, in either one or the
ther. Any "End Times" system that forms a hybrid of these two, or
contradicts this simple formula, is unbiblical, and should be rejected!

Piece by piece, Waldron strips away years of false teaching and faulty
exegesis thrust upon the church to reveal what the Bible, in its own simple
but profound way, says about what will happen at the end of this present age.

Softcover, $16.99

My Friend Grace
By Joseph M. Bianchi/illustrated by Sean Rubin

In this truly unique book for young children, a child learns about the mercy
and sovereignty of God…from her friend, Grace! The book takes place in
little Annie's room, where Mom and Dad have come for nightly devotionals.
The grace of God is personified by Annie's new imaginary friend, Grace, who
objectively demonstrates through various situations how God works to show
mercy to His people. This ground-breaking book will be a valuable tool to
both evangelize and disciple your children…also makes for an excellent Sunday
School study. This will be a book your children will always remember and
Softcover, $12.99

Other Calvary Press titles you will enjoy!

Aunt Jane's Hero
Portrait of a Christ-Centered Home by Elizabeth Prentiss $5.95
Aunt Jane's Hero was first published in 1871. With vivid pictures of life and
character, its object is to depict a home whose happiness flows from the
living Rock, Christ Jesus. Want to know what a Christ-centered home is like?
Read this book!
Believers Need the Gospel

Reaffirming the Gospel Message for Today's Christians
By Peter Jeffery
They were captivated by its message. They settled in their new Christian
life and began to learn their need for holiness. Slowly but surely, what
once thrilled their soul became mundane, even boring. Unfortunately, this is
the lot of many Christians today. Let beloved pastor and author Peter Jeffery
reawaken you to the power of Christ in your life--the incredible gift of
salvation --and the hope that will make you cherish every day!

21st Century Corinthians
Problems and Pitfalls Facing the Church in a Dangerous Age
By Joseph M. Bianchi
Are the problems in our churches today radically different from those of the
Apostle Paul's day? Using 1 Corinthians as a guide, author Joseph M. Bianchi
shows how church problems of our day closely parallel those of the Corinthian
church, while at the same time demonstrating how the unique church problems
of our time can be solved with a good dose of 1st -century biblical wisdom!

Dangerous Airwaves
Harold Camping Refuted and Christ's Church Defended
By James R. White

Has Jesus Christ done away with the organized structure He created 2000 years
ago and replaced it with unstructured "fellowships" that eliminate the need
for elders and deacons? James R. White, perhaps the most well-known
Protestant apologist of our time, takes on Mr. Camping and his heretical
biblical interpretations to show that, contrary to Mr. Camping's teachings,
the Lord Jesus Christ loves His church--and that the church will endure on
earth until that blessed day when He comes! This book is a call for the
orthodox and systematic interpretation of the Bible, over and against the
wild "symbolic", arbitrary and unfounded allegorical interpretations of
Harold Camping.

Denominations or Associations?
Essays on Reformed Baptist Associations
Edited by James M. Renihan $12.95
This book argues for the need and validity of associations. Comprising six
essays on the issue with each one addressing a different aspect, this brief
volume needs to be read, not only by all Reformed Baptists, but also by all
Christians interested in how the dynamics of interchurch relationships work.

Duties of Church Members to their Pastors by John Angell James / A Plea To
Pray for Pastors by Gardiner Spring $ 5.95
We owe so much to our pastors - how can we serve the men that watch after our
souls? This small, double-volume gives practical, specific answers. Pastors,
this is one you will want to give out to your congregation!

From Forgiven to Forgiving $14.95
Learning to Forgive One Another God's Way by Jay E. Adams
Is it biblical to "forgive and forget"? In this most important book, Adams
helps you understand true biblical forgiveness while pointing out the many
misconceptions today's Christians have about the subject, and applies that
understanding to everyday situations, whether at home or in the church.
>From Religion To Christ
By Peter Jeffery
$ 6.95

Peter Jeffery is concerned about millions of people in the same position
today that Nicodemus found himself in: religious, but not redeemed by God! A
careful and prayerful reading of this book can be used of God to open the
eyes of many to see that their religion is empty and vain, but salvation can
and will be found in Jesus Christ alone. An excellent evangelism tool!
Heaven: A World of Love
By Jonathan Edwards $ 5.95
What will heaven be like? Jonathan Edwards, preacher of America's most famous
sermon - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God--reached the very height of his
preaching in describing with powerful, biblical detail the incomparable
majesty of heaven embodied in this very work.

Morning Exercises
Soul-strengthening devotional meditations for every day of the year
By William Jay Hardcover orig. $29.95 now only $14.95
Start your day with the greatest devotional of all time! William Jay's fresh,
simple, yet profound insight into God's word will provide a muscular morning
workout for your soul. William Jay was one of the most beloved pastors of
the 19th century, and pastored the same church for over 60 years! Here's a
devotional you will really be fed by!

bedient and Patient Faith (An)
An Exposition of 1st Peter By Robert Leighton $8.50
This study of 1st Peter-considered to be the best ever--explores the nature
of patient faith in the face of trials. This commentary may be read as a
study tool or as a devotional.
Teaching Truth, Training Hearts
The study of catechisms in Baptist life By Tom J. Nettles $ 7.50
John MacArthur writes, "This volume of catechisms, pleasing and surprisingly
from a tradition not often noted for such tools, should both encourage and
aid the church in fulfilling the mandate of 'holding fast the form of sound

The Complete Husband
A Practical Guide to Biblical Husbanding $15.95
By Lou Priolo
What does it mean to be a biblical husband? Lou Priolo turns his years of
biblical counseling wisdom to the subject of being the husband that the Lord
Jesus Christ wants all Christian men to be. He shows men how the Bible
instructs them to "know their wives." This book is simple without being
shallow; comprehensive without being tedious-and will have a profound effect
on your marital relationship!.

The Heart of Anger
Practical Help for the Prevention and Cure of Anger in Children
By Lou Priolo $15.95
Anger! Is it ever a problem in your home? Do your children ever speak to you
in angry, disrespectful tones? Do they ever fight between themselves? Have
you ever lost your patience and composure when dealing with an infuriating
situation? Well, if you honestly answered "yes" to any of these questions,
you need this book! Priolo deals with anger's root causes, offering
corrective advice from a place not many counselors go to these days: the
Bible! This is one of the most popular books on this most important subject.

The Potter's Freedom
A Defense of the Reformation and a Rebuttal of Norman Geisler's "Chosen But
by James R. White $16.95
In a style that both scholars and layman can appreciate, James White
masterfully counters the evidence against so-called "extreme Calvinism",
defines what the Reformed Faith actually is, and concludes that the gospel
preached by the Reformers is the very one taught in the pages of Scripture.

Thoughts For Young Men
By J.C. Ryle $ 8.95
Though aimed at young men, all Christians will greatly benefit from Ryle's
practical wisdom concerning the dangers of pride, the love of pleasure and
thoughtlessness, all discussed in a warm, but frank manner. A true classic!

Upon This Slippery Rock
Countering Roman Catholic Claims to Authority
By Eric D. Svendsen $11.99
There's a new breed of apologist on the Internet. These new apologists are
Catholic-that's right, Catholic!--and they are trying to bring those who were
once Catholic - but are now Born Again - and other true believers back to
Rome. Let scholar Eric D. Svendsen help you defend your Bible-based faith,
and show you how this aggressive false teaching with its false claims to
authority can be dismantled by the clear teaching of Scripture - and simple

Who Is My Mother?
The Role and Status of the Mother of Jesus in the New Testament and Roman
Catholicism by Eric D. Svendsen $24.99
For most of the Protestant world, Mary, the mother of Jesus, remains an
Who is this woman of whom the Scriptures tell us little? In this
exhaustively thorough book, scholar Eric D. Svendsen combs the depths of this
question. His findings will enlighten, surprise and enlighten you.

Your Child's Profession of Faith
By Dennis Gundersen $ 5.95
"Daddy, I think I'm saved!" Many a Christian parent has been stunned by this
conversation stopping declaration. In today's "easy believism" environment,
this book helps parents critically evaluate their child's profession with
biblical balance. This book is considered by many to be the "last word" on
the subject!


Herein Is Love Commentary Series by Nancy E. Gantz

Finally…commentaries for children with substance!

This new Old Testament commentary series is truly a breakthrough! It is not
designed to be read by children, but rather to be read to children by Sunday
School teachers, Pastors, mothers, Fathers, homeschool parents-or Vacation
Bible School teachers. What sets these commentaries apart is the depth with
which the subject matter is treated; the string of salvation and the types
and shadows of Christ are always clearly pointed out and discussed. These
books are absolutely "must haves" for anyone who wants to see children plumb
the depths of the glory of God's Word!

Genesis Exodus Leviticus
[thumbnail] [thumbnail]
$19.99 $14.99 $11.99



A Guide For Young Disciples Pike, J.G.
Retail $29.95 $14.95
Age of Opportunity, The Tripp, Paul
Becoming a Titus 2 Women Peace, Martha
Christian Living in the Home Adams, Jay
Enemy Within, The Lundgaard, Kris
Federal Husband Wilson, Douglas
Fidelity Wilson.
Douglas 11.00
Fruit of Her Hands, The Wilson, Nancy
Evangelical Press titles visit our
website for complete listing
Five Points of Calvinism Steele, David
& Curtis Thomas 5.95
God Chose To Save Bianchi,
Joseph M. 8.99
Her Hand in Marriage Wilson, Douglas
Homemaking J.R. Miller
Homeschooling /Biblical Worldview Wayne, Israel
How to Behave in Church Jeffery, Peter
Must Jesus be Lord to be Savior Webster, William
Passion & Purity Elliot,
Elisabeth 10.95
Reformation Study Bible R. C. Sproul, Editor
Reforming Marriage Wilson, Douglas
Shepherding a Child's Heart Tripp, Tedd
Sickness&Death in the Christian Family Jeffery, Peter
Standing on the Promises Wilson,
Douglas 10.00
The Best Match Pearse, E.
Retail $24.95 12.95
The Excellent Wife Peace, Martha
The Excellent Wife Study Guide Peace, Martha
The Same Sex Controversy White, James
What's With the Dudes at the Door? White, James
What's With the Mutant...? White, James
The God Who Justifies White, James
Your Family God's Way Mack, Wayne


Visit our website for a complete listing of all the
books we offer, including a full line of commentaries, devotionals,
apologetical and practical books that will change your life !

Keep up-to-date with our new publications by checking our website often!

All Sales Final. Prices subject to change without notice.
Only damaged or defective merchandise may be returned for exchange or credit.

cpbooks AT


  • [charm] Solid Christian Books For Spring, CP Books, 05/05/2003

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