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k-user - [K-user] Creating function problem

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[K-user] Creating function problem

Chronological Thread 
  • From: SITTHISAK Pakakorn <pakakorn.s AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [K-user] Creating function problem
  • Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 19:18:27 +0900 (JST)
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>


I have a problem creating function accepting new syntactical category as
Consider my test module, I would like to create new sort call Int8, which
represent 8 bit-integer.
Then, I would like to create function changing 0 to 0 and non-zero to 1 for
representing boolean value.

module TEST
syntax Int8 ::= Lexer{[\-\+]? [0-9]} [notInRules]
| Lexer{[\-\+]? [0-9][0-9] } [notInRules]
| Lexer{[\-\+]? [1][0-1][0-9] } [notInRules]
| Lexer{[\-\+]? [1][2][0-7] } [notInRules]
| Token{"-128"} [notInRules]
syntax Int8 ::= bool(Int8) [function]
rule bool(0:Int8) => 0
rule bool(1:Int8) => 1

K compiles this successfully. However, when I run input


it did not rewrite. I checked AST and found that 0 in bool(0) was Int8.

Can anybody suggest me how to solve this problem?
I have no idea what is wrong I did.


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