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k-user - Re: [K-user] "not exist" condition

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Re: [K-user] "not exist" condition

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Omar Duhaiby <3omarz AT>
  • To: Dwight Guth <dwight.guth AT>
  • Cc: "k-user AT" <k-user AT>, "Musab A. AlTurki" <musab AT>
  • Subject: Re: [K-user] "not exist" condition
  • Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 17:15:44 +0300
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>

Thank you very much. One more question. Will the following work?
<flags> L:List </flags> when L =/=K .List
I want to make sure it is not an empty list.

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 2:57 AM, Traian Florin Şerbănuţă <traian.serbanuta AT> wrote:
Hi Omar,

One way which may work, although you may not like the solution, would be the following:

Use two cells, containing sets, one for set flags and one for unset flags
and have setting the flag move one element from unset to set and unsetting do the oposite.

rule <k> setFlag(N) => . ...</k> 
      <unsetFlags>... SetItem(N) => . ...</unsetFlags>   <setFlags>... . => SetItem(N) ...</setFlags>

Then you can check both which flags are set and which not by matching any of the cells or both.

rule <k> set12not3 => . ...</k>
   <setFlags>... SetItem(1) SetItem(2) ...</setFlags>   <unsetFlags>... SetItem(3) ...</unsetFlags>

Hope it helps,

2014-11-04 23:52 GMT+02:00 Omar Duhaiby <3omarz AT>:
That's very useful. The 'if' condition comes right after specifying the cell and not at the end of the rule like 'when', right?

OK. suppose we made a cell in the configuration:
<flags> .List </flags>
and I mean to fill the list with Ints. I want to check if the list contains 1, and 2 and does not contain 3. How do I do that?

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 12:33 AM, Mischael Schill <mischael.schill AT> wrote:
I suppose you could do something like <flag> F </flag> if F =/=Int 1, but this only works if the flag cell exists and only contains integers.

Mischael Schill

Am 4. November 2014 22:28:05 MEZ, schrieb Omar Duhaiby <3omarz AT>:
>Suppose I have a cell called 'flag' in my configuration next to the k
>And I have the following rule:
><k> _ => . </k>
><flag> 1 </flag>
>This rule has one condition, that it has a value of 1 in the 'flag'
>What if I want my condition to be: "flag has any value except one", or
>"there does not exist a value of 1 in the flag cell". Can I do that?
>Thank you
>Omar Alzuhaibi
>k-user mailing list
>k-user AT

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