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k-user - [[K-user] ] About the return type of a function

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[[K-user] ] About the return type of a function

Chronological Thread 
  • From: 朱晓冉 <zhuxrsandra AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [[K-user] ] About the return type of a function
  • Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 22:41:26 +0800 (CST)


I define a function with type of Int in K, the code just like this:  

syntax Int ::= "count" "(" Bag ")"     [function]

But it seems that the the data returned by this function is not Int. Because when I write the LTL rule  (rule B:Bag |=Ltl countvalue(I)=>true  when (count(B) ==Int count(B)) [ltl, anywhere]), the running result shows that my input property is false. However, if the rule is changed into  rule B:Bag |=Ltl countvalue(I)=>true  when (count(B) ==K count(B)) [ltl, anywhere], the running result is true.

So does the return type of function  count(B) is Int? How can I do comparison between count(B) and a parameter with type Int.
By the way, the version of K framework that I'm using is K 3.5.


Xiaoran Zhu


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