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k-user - [[K-user] ] freshGenerator

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[[K-user] ] freshGenerator

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Mihály Palenik <palenik.mihaly AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [[K-user] ] freshGenerator
  • Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2017 01:09:30 +0100


I try to create own generator for Pid sort which is:
syntax Pid  ::= "<" Int "." Int "." Int ">"             [token, autoReject]

I try to copy freshId and freshInt functions:
syntax Pid ::= freshPid(Int)    [freshGenerator, function]
rule freshPid(I:Int) => <I.1.1>

Now the function doesn't have more sense but I have one problem. Everywhere where I use !P:Pid the result is <I.1.1>. Why? It is an Int so I think the first number of Pid has to be random.

Thank you your help in advance

Best regards,
Mihály Palenik

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