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[[K-user] ] [FROM 2017] First Call for Papers

Chronological Thread 
  • From: From 2017 <from2017 AT>
  • To: from2017 AT
  • Cc: dlucanu AT, sofronie AT
  • Subject: [[K-user] ] [FROM 2017] First Call for Papers
  • Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:59:12 +0300

[Apologize for multiple copies]
FROM 2017 - First Call for Papers


5 - 8 July 2017 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Bucharest

Deadline for abstract submissions:  21 May 2017

Aims and Scope
Formal methods use mathematical techniques and rigour for developing
software and hardware. The formal methods can be used to specify,
verify, and analyse in any part of the system life cycle: requirements
engineering, modeling, design, architecture, implementation, testing,
maintenance and evolution. This assumes on the one hand the
development of adequate mathematical methods and frameworks and on the
other hand the development of tools that help the user to effectively
apply these methods/frameworks in the life cycle of the system. 

ICUB (The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest), the
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of
Bucharest, and the Faculty of Computer Science of the Alexandru Ioan
Cuza University of Iasi organize FROM 2017, the first one from a
yearly workshop series, meant to bring together Romanian researchers
in formal methods and to  foster international collaborations. 

Working Formal Methods Symposium (FROM) aims to bring together
researchers and practitioners who work for formal methods by
contributing with new theoretical results, methods, techniques, and
frameworks, and/or make the formal methods to work by creating or
using software tools that  apply theoretical contributions.

PhD Students are highly encouraged to participate and support for
accommodation is available upon request. 

The program of the symposium will include  invited lectures (the
current list can be seen on the workshop web page) and regular
contributions. Submissions on the general topic of theoretical
computer science, formal methods and applications are solicited.

Areas and formalisms of interest include:
- Category theory in computer science
- Distributed systems and concurrency
- Formal languages and automata theory
- Formal modelling, verification and testing
- Logic in computer science
- Mathematical structures in computer science
- Models of computation
- Semantics of programming languages

Methods of interest include:
- Model checking
- Deductive verification
- Automated reasoning and model generation
- Automated induction
- Symbolic computation

Applications of interest include:
- Program analysis
- Verification and synthesis of software and hardware,
- Computational logic,
- Computer mathematics,
- Knowledge representation, ontology reasoning, deductive databases,
- Uncertainty reasoning and soft computing

In order to participate with a regular talk, an extended abstract
should be submitted before 21 May 2017, via EasyChair:
The notification of acceptance will be received by 31 May 2017.

Depending on the number and the quality of submissions, we intend to
publish extensions of selected presentations in peer-reviewed
well-ranked journal.

There is no conference fee, but valid registration is required in
order to participate at the conference.  All participants registered
with an abstract will receive the conference kit. There is an
additional fee of 50 RON for the social dinner at Casa


Program Committee

Dorel Lucanu (co-chair), “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași

Victor Mitrana, University of Bucharest

Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (co-chair), University of Koblenz-Landau

Traian Șerbănuță, University of Bucharest

Gheorghe Ștefănescu,  University of Bucharest



Organizing Committee

Andrei Arusoaie, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași

Denisa Diaconescu, University of Bucharest

Ioana Leuștean, University of Bucharest

Ana Țurlea, University of Bucharest

Oana Peiu, ICUB representative

For details and updates see

  • [[K-user] ] [FROM 2017] First Call for Papers, From 2017, 04/25/2017

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