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[[K-user] ] FROM 2019 - 3rd Call for Papers

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Mircea Marin <mmarin AT>
  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
  • Subject: [[K-user] ] FROM 2019 - 3rd Call for Papers
  • Date: Tue, 7 May 2019 10:57:52 +0300
  • Authentication-results:; spf=softfail smtp.mailfrom=mircea.marin AT; dkim=pass header.s=20150623; dmarc=none

[Apologies for multiple copies]
Third Call for Papers

                     FROM 2019

               Working Formal Methods Symposium
         September 3-5, 2019, Timisoara, Romania
               in conjunction with SYNASC 2019

FROM aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who work 
on formal methods by contributing new theoretical results, methods, 
techniques, and frameworks, and/or make the formal methods to work 
by creating or using software tools that apply theoretical contributions.

FROM 2019 is the third event in a yearly workshop series. The first edition 
was held in 2017 in Bucharest (see, and
it included sixteen invited talks delivered by top researchers in field, 
and seven contributed talks. The second edition was held in 2018 in Iasi 
(see and it included 9 invited
talks and 14 contributed talks.

The program of the symposium will include invited lectures and  regular 
contributions. Submissions on the general topic of theoretical 
computer science, formal methods and applications are solicited.

Important Dates
June 21 2019:       deadline for abstract submissions
June 28 2019:       deadline for full paper submission
July 26 2019:       notification of acceptance
August 9 2019:      revised papers according to the reviews
August 9 2019:      registration
September 3-5 2019: symposium days

Invited Speakers
Marcello Bonsangue, Leiden University, Holland
Marius Bozga, CNRS, France
Florin Crăciun, Babes Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Mădălina Erascu, West Universit of Timisoara, Romania
Temur Kutsia, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Laurențiu Leuștean, University of Bucharest, Romania
Dorel Lucanu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Peter Csaba Ölveczky, University of Oslo, Norway
Sorin Stratulat, University of Lorraine, Metz, France

Areas and formalisms of interest include:
+ Category theory in computer science
+ Distributed systems and concurrency
+ Formal languages and automata theory
+ Formal modelling, verification and testing
+ Logic in computer science
+ Logical frameworks
+ Mathematical structures in computer science
+ Models of computation
+ Semantics of programming languages
+ Type systems

Methods of interest include:
+ Automated reasoning and model generation
+ Automated induction
+ Certified programs
+ Data-flow and control-flow analysis
+ Deductive verification
+ Mechanized proofs
+ Model checking
+ Proof mining
+ Symbolic computation
+ Term rewriting

Applications of interest include:
+ Computational logic
+ Computer mathematics
+ Knowledge representation, ontology reasoning, deductive databases
+ Program analysis
+ Verification and synthesis of software and hardware
+ Uncertainty reasoning and soft computing

The proceedings will be published by Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 
Authors of the best contributions will be invited to submit a revised version of 
their work to a special issue of the journal Fundamenta Informaticae.
We expect submissions of regular papers of maximum fifteen (15) pages,
formatted according to the EPTCS macro package (
The paper must represent original work and should not be submitted 
to another conference at the same time.

Regular contributions should be preceded by the submission of a a short abstract.
Submissions must be in PDF or PS format and will be handled via the 
EasyChair Conference system at 
The submitting author of an accepted paper will have to sign, on behalf of all
authors of the paper, a copyright agreement (see

Programme Committee
- Gabriel Ciobanu, Romanian Academy, Institute of Computer Science, Iași
- Stefan Ciobâcă, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
- Adrian Crăciun (co-chair), West University of Timisoara,
- Cătălin Dima, Universite Paris-Est Creteil, France
- Jetty Kleijn, Leiden University
- Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz
- Mircea Marin (co-chair), West University of Timisoara, 
- Victor Mitrana, University of Bucharest
- Paulo Oliva, Queen Mary University of London
- Ion Petre, University of Turku
- Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London
- Vlad Rusu, INRIA Lille
- Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, University of Koblenz-Landau

Organizing Committee
- Cosmin Bonchis, West University of Timisoara
- Isabela Drămnesc, West University of Timisoara
- Gabriel Istrate, West University of Timisoara

General chairs
Mircea Marin, West University of Timisoara
Adrian Craciun, West University of Timisoara

  • [[K-user] ] FROM 2019 - 3rd Call for Papers, Mircea Marin, 05/07/2019

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