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[[K-user] ] String Semantics implementation and Unsolved ERROR

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  • From: "Ayushi Rastogi" <rastogiayushi98 AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [[K-user] ] String Semantics implementation and Unsolved ERROR
  • Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 03:25:09 -0500

Respected Sir/Mam

While trying to implement string semantics whose snippet is as follows:

syntax AExp ::= Id | String | AExp "$" AExp
| AExp "/" AExp [left, strict]
> AExp "+" AExp [left, strict]
syntax Stmt ::= Id ":=" AExp
| "if" BExp "then" Stmt "else" Stmt "end" "if" ";"
syntax L::= String
syntax Global ::= Id "," L
syntax Par ::= Global ": in Integer"
/* "$" is an operator that concatenates the string if and only if String S1 =/
= S2 and Glist is a list of Ids along with its string value*/
rule <k> X:Id => S ...</k>
<env>... X |-> N ...</env>
<store>... N |-> S ...</store>
rule S1 / S2 => S1 $ S2
rule S1 + S2 => S1 $ S2
rule <k> X:Id,S:L => S ...</k>
<env>... X |-> N ...</env>
<store>... N |-> S ...</store>
rule S1 $ S2 => S1 +String S2 when S1 =/=String S2
/* In following lines of code M is an identifier as the name of procedure just
like a variable that must be intialised with char P and acts like a program
counter for the called procedure*/
rule <k> procedure M (Par) with SPARK_Mode is Block M ; =>. ...</k>
<env> M |-> N ... </env>
<store>... N |->( P => String) ...</store>
rule X:Id:= R:AExp; => if notBool(X in Glist) then begin if X ==String (R $
then begin X := R $ M; end else halt; end if; end else begin if X
==String R
+String M then begin end else halt; end if; end end if;

and the error encountered as follows:

Unexpected sort AExp for term
_$_(#token(#KVariable,"R"),#token(#KVariable,"M")). Expected String.

I am not able to solve the problem as AExp is of kind sting and identifiers
then why operation $ cant be performed.

Detailed code can be seen on

in tutorial-> AdaSpark ->spar.k

Your worthy suggestions are most welcomed and express my gratitude for your
value that you have in helping me seek out a solution for same.

Thank you
Ayushi Rastogi

  • [[K-user] ] String Semantics implementation and Unsolved ERROR, Ayushi Rastogi, 06/14/2019

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