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[Maude-help] Maude-help

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  • From: mina ana <touta8 AT>
  • To: <maude-help AT>
  • Subject: [Maude-help] Maude-help
  • Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 20:41:18 +0000
  • Importance: Normal
  • List-archive: <>
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hey every body i wanna sk about the difference between strat & owise & it's utilisability then i have
fmod SERVICE is        

 sorts Service Services .

 subsort Service < Services .

 op nils : -> Service [ctor] .

 op __ : Services Services -> Services [ctor assoc comm id: nils prec 25 ] .

 op _BelongsTo_ : Service Services -> Bool .

 var Ss : Services .

 vars S1 : Service .

 eq  S1 BelongsTo S1 Ss = true .

 eq  S1 BelongsTo Ss = false [owise] .



 fmod COMPONENT is                   

 sorts Component Components .

 subsort Component < Components .

 op nilc : -> Component [ctor] .

 op __ : Components Components -> Components [ctor assoc comm id: nilc  prec 25 ] .

 op _BelongsTo_ : Component Components -> Bool .

 ops C1 CA C-SM POSTFIX  : -> Component [ctor] .

 var Cs : Components .

 vars c1 : Component .

 eq  c1 BelongsTo c1 Cs = true .

 eq  c1 BelongsTo Cs = false [owise] .




 protecting FLOAT .

 protecting SERVICE .

 protecting COMPONENT .

 sorts EnvProp SimplPredicate ComparOper Val .

 subsort Float < Val .

 subsort  Service < SimplPredicate .

 op nilsp : -> SimplPredicate [ctor] .

 op _\/_ : SimplPredicate SimplPredicate -> SimplPredicate [ctor assoc comm id: nilsp prec 27 ] .   

 op `[___`] : EnvProp ComparOper Val -> SimplPredicate [ctor prec 26 ] .

 op notS_ : Service ->  SimplPredicate [ctor prec 26 ] .

 op notC_ : Component ->  SimplPredicate [ctor prec 26 ] .

 op _._ : Component Service ->  SimplPredicate [ctor prec 26 ] .

 ops = : -> ComparOper [ctor] .




 protecting SIMPLE-PREDICATE .

 sorts Predicate Predicates  . 

 subsorts SimplPredicate < Predicate .

 subsort Predicate < Predicates .

 op nilpr : -> Predicate [ctor] .

 op True : -> Predicate [ctor] .

 op _/\_ : Predicates Predicates -> Predicates [ctor assoc comm id: nilpr prec 28 ] .

 op FS : Predicates -> Services .

 op FC : Predicates -> Components .

 vars Pdcts1  Pdcts2 : Predicates .

 var s : Service .

 var c : Component .

 var ev : EnvProp .

 var spd1 spd2 : SimplPredicate .

 var co : ComparOper .

 var v : Val .

 eq FS(notS s \/ spd1 /\ Pdcts2  ) = s FS( spd1 /\ Pdcts2) .

 eq FS(Pdcts2) = nils [owise] .

 eq FC(notC c \/ spd1 /\ Pdcts2  ) = c FC( spd1 /\ Pdcts2) .

 eq FC(Pdcts2) = nilc [owise] .




 protecting PREDICATES .

 sorts Dependency Dependencies .

 subsort Dependency < Dependencies .

 op _=>_ : Predicates  Service -> Dependency [ctor prec 29] .

 op _andD_  : Dependencies Dependencies -> Dependencies [ctor comm assoc  prec 30 ] .

 op _orD_ : Dependencies Dependencies -> Dependencies [ctor  comm assoc  prec 30] .

 op  ?_  : Dependencies -> Dependencies [ctor prec 30] .



 fmod ENV-VARS is         

 protecting SIMPLE-PREDICATE .        

 sort EnvVar EnvVars .

 subsort EnvVar < EnvVars .

 op nilev : -> EnvVar [ctor] . 

 op `(___`) : EnvProp ComparOper Val -> EnvVar [ctor prec 26 ] .

 op __ : EnvVars EnvVars -> EnvVars [ctor assoc comm id: nilev prec 27 ] .





 sorts InstalledC InstalledCs .

 subsort InstalledC < InstalledCs .

 op <_`,_`,_`,_> : Component Services Services Components -> InstalledC [ctor prec 26] .

 op nilic : ->  InstalledC [ctor] .

 op __ : InstalledCs InstalledCs -> InstalledCs [ctor assoc comm id: nilic prec 27 ] .

 op ProvidedS : InstalledCs -> Services .

 op InstC : InstalledCs -> Components .

 op ForbiddenS : InstalledCs ->  Services .

 op ForbiddenC : InstalledCs -> Components .

 var C : Component .

 var S : Service .

 var P : Services .

 var F : Services .

 var Cs : Components .

 var I : InstalledCs .

 ***  provided services by intalled components

 eq ProvidedS(nilic) = nils .

 eq ProvidedS(< C , P , F , Cs > I) =  P ProvidedS(I) .

 ***   identifiers list of all installed components

 eq InstC(nilic) = nilc .

 eq InstC(< C , P , F , Cs > I) = C InstC(I) .

 *** Forbidden services by intalled components

 eq ForbiddenS(nilic) = nils .

 eq ForbiddenS(< C , P , F , Cs > I) = F ForbiddenS(I) .

 ***  Forbidden components by installed components

 eq ForbiddenC(nilic) = nilc .

 eq ForbiddenC(< C , P , F , Cs > I) = Cs ForbiddenC(I) .



 fmod DEP-GRAPH is                    

 protecting  COMPONENT . 

 protecting  SERVICE .  

 sorts Label Node Nodes Edge Edges Graph .   

 subsort Node < Nodes .

 subsort Edge < Edges .

 ops M O : -> Label [ctor] .

 op niln : -> Node [ctor] .

 op `(_._`) : Component Service -> Node [ctor prec 25 ] . 

 op __ : Nodes Nodes -> Nodes [ctor assoc comm id: niln prec 26 ] .

 op _in_ : Node Nodes -> Bool .

 op link`(_._._`) : Node Node Label -> Edge [ctor prec 26 ] .

 op nile : -> Edge [ctor] .

 op __ : Edges Edges -> Edges [assoc comm id: nile prec 27 ] .

 op _in_ : Edge Edges -> Bool . 

 op |_`,_| : Nodes Edges -> Graph [ctor prec 28 ] .

 ops source target : Edge -> Node .   

 op label : Edge -> Label .

 op addN : Graph Nodes -> Graph .

 op addE : Graph Edges -> Graph .

 op allLinks : Node Nodes Label -> Edges .

 vars  e1 e2 : Edge .

 vars n1 n2 : Node .

 vars Ns Ns’ : Nodes .

 vars Es Es’ : Edges .

 var l : Label .

 eq n1 in n1 Ns = true .

 eq n1 in Ns = false [owise] .

 eq e1 in e1 Es = true .

 eq e1 in Es = false [owise] .

 eq source(link( n1 . n2 . l )) = n1 .

 eq target(link( n1 . n2 . l )) = n2 .

 eq label(link( n1 . n2 . l )) = l .

 eq addN(| Ns , Es | , niln) = | Ns , Es | .

 eq addN(| Ns , Es | , n1 Ns’ ) = if not ( n1 in Ns ) then addN(| n1 Ns , Es | , Ns’ ) else addN(| Ns , Es | , Ns’ ) fi .

 eq addE(| Ns , Es | , nile ) = | Ns , Es | .

 eq addE(| Ns , Es | , e1 Es’ ) = if not (e1 in Es) then addE( addN(| Ns , e1 Es | , source(e1) target(e1)), Es’) else addE(| Ns , Es | , Es’ ) fi .

 eq allLinks( n1, niln, l) = nile .

 eq allLinks( n1, n2 Ns, l) = link( n1 . n2 . l ) allLinks (n1 , Ns, l ) .


 fmod CONTEXT is         

 protecting ENV-VARS .  

 protecting INSTALLED-COMPONENTS .        

 protecting DEP-GRAPH .        

 sort Context .

 op ctx`(_`,_`,_`) :  EnvVars InstalledCs Graph -> Context [ctor prec 30 ] .

 op evalDep : Dependencies Context -> Bool .

 op eval : Predicates Context -> Bool .

 vars D1 D2 : Dependencies .

 var S : Service .

 vars CO CO2 : Component .

 var X : Context .

 vars SP1 SP2 : SimplPredicate .

 vars P1 P2 : Predicates .

 vars PS FS : Services .

 var FC : Components .

 var ev : EnvProp .

 var co : ComparOper .

 vars v v’ : Val .

 var E1 : EnvVar .

 var E : EnvVars .

 var IC : InstalledCs .

 var G : Graph .

 eq eval(S , ctx( E , IC , G ))= not ( S BelongsTo ProvidedS(IC) ) .

 eq eval( True , X ) = true .

 eq eval( [ ev = v ] , ctx( ( ev = v’ ) E , IC , G ))= if v == v’ then  true else v < v’ fi .

 eq eval( notS S, ctx(E , IC , G ))=  not( S BelongsTo ProvidedS(IC) ) .

 eq eval( notC CO, ctx(E , IC , G ))=  not( CO BelongsTo InstC(IC) ) .

 eq eval( CO . S , ctx(E , < CO , PS , FS , FC > IC , G ))= S BelongsTo PS .

 eq eval( CO . S , ctx(E , IC , G ))= false [owise] .

 eq eval( SP1 \/ SP2 , X) = eval( SP1 , X ) or eval( SP2 , X ) .

 eq eval( P1 /\ P2 , X) = eval( P1 , X ) and eval( P2 , X ) .

 eq evalDep(P1 => S , X) = eval(P1,X) .

 eq evalDep (? D1 , X ) = true .

 eq evalDep( D1 andD D2 , X) = evalDep( D1 , X) and evalDep(D2 , X) .

 eq evalDep(D1 orD D2 , X) =  evalDep( D1 , X ) or evalDep( D2 , X) .



 mod CONFIG is         

 protecting CONTEXT .

 sort Declaration .

 sort Configuration .

 subsort Context Declaration < Configuration .

 op _:_ : Component Dependencies -> Declaration [ctor prec 31 ] .

 op nilcnf : -> Configuration [ctor] .

 op __ : Configuration Configuration -> Configuration [ assoc comm id: nilcnf prec 32 ] .

 op PSDep : Dependencies Configuration -> Services .

 op FSDep : Dependencies Context -> Services .

 op FCDep : Dependencies Context -> Components .

 op RSDep : Dependencies Service -> Nodes .

 op modify : Graph Component Dependencies Services -> Graph .

 var C : Component .

 vars D D1 D2 : Dependencies .

 var E : EnvVars .

 var I : InstalledCs .

 var G : Graph .

 var spd1 :  SimplPredicate .

 vars SS S : Service .

 var Ss : Services .

 vars Q P : Predicates .

 var X : Context .

  *** (Forbidden services by component)

 eq FSDep(P => S, X) = FS(P) .

 eq FSDep(D1 andD D2,X) = FSDep(D1,X) FSDep(D2,X) .

 eq FSDep(D1 orD D2,X) =  if evalDep(D1,X) then FSDep(D1,X) else  FSDep(D2 , X) fi .

 eq FSDep(? D1 , X) = nils . *** (Forbidden components by component C)

 eq FCDep(P => S, X) = FC(P) .

 eq FCDep(D1 andD D2,X) = FCDep(D1, X) FCDep(D2, X) .

 eq FCDep(D1 orD D2, X) = if evalDep(D1, X) then FCDep(D1, X) else FCDep(D2, X) fi  .

 eq FCDep(? D1, X) = nilc .

 *** (provided services of component C)

 eq PSDep(P => S , X) = S .

 eq PSDep(D1 andD D2, X) = PSDep(D1,X) PSDep(D2,X) .

 eq PSDep(D1 orD D2,X) = if  evalDep(D1,X) then PSDep(D1,X) else PSDep(D2,X) fi .

 eq PSDep(? D1, X) = PSDep(D1 , X) .

 eq RSDep( C . S \/ spd1 /\ P => S , S) = ( C . S ) RSDep( spd1 /\ P => S , S ) .

 eq RSDep( P => S , SS ) = niln [owise] .

 eq RSDep(D1 andD D2, S) = RSDep(D1, S) RSDep(D2,S) .

 eq RSDep(D1 orD D2,S) = RSDep(D1,S) .

 eq RSDep(? D1,S) = RSDep(D1,S) .

 eq modify(G, C, D, nils ) = G .

 eq modify(G, C, D, S Ss ) =  modify(addE(addN( G , ( C . S ) ), allLinks(( C . S ), RSDep( D , S ) , M )), C, D, Ss ) [owise] .

 rl [install] : ctx( E , I , G ) C : D => if  ( not ( C BelongsTo ForbiddenC(I)) and  evalDep( D , ctx( E , I , G ) )) then ctx( E , < C , PSDep( D , ctx( E , I , G )), FSDep( D , ctx( E , I , G )), FCDep( D , ctx( E , I , G ))>  I, modify(G , C , D , PSDep(D, ctx( E , I , G )))) else ctx( E , I , G ) fi . 




 including CONFIG .

 ops S-lib S-Amavis Smta Sav  : -> Service [ctor] .

 ops FDS OS RAM : -> EnvProp [ctor] .

 ops LINUX : -> Val [ctor] .

 op my-conf : -> Configuration [ctor] .

 eq my-conf = ctx( ( FDS = 5000000.0 ) ( OS = LINUX ) ( RAM = 128.0 )  , < C1 , S-lib , nils , nilc > < CA , S-Amavis , nils , nilc > , | ( C1 . S-lib ) ( CA . S-Amavis ) , nile | ) POSTFIX : [ FDS = 5000000.0 ] /\ notC C-SM  => Smta andD  ? S-Amavis => Sav .


protecting TEST-INSTALL .
including MODEL-CHECKER .
including SATISFACTION .
subsort Configuration < State . 
vars C : Component .
var P : Prop .
var cnf :  Configuration .
var E : EnvVars .
var I : InstalledCs .
var G : Graph .
op IsSuccessfullyInstalled : Component -> Prop .
ops initial-conf : -> Configuration .
eq initial-conf = my-conf .
eq ctx(E,I,G) cnf |= IsSuccessfullyInstalled(C) = not(C BelongsTo InstC(I) and C BelongsTo ForbiddenC(I)) .
eq cnf |= P = false [owise] .

protecting TEST-INSTALL .
including MODEL-CHECKER .
including SATISFACTION .
 subsort Configuration < State . 
 vars C CC : Component .
 var S : Service .
 vars P P1 : Services .
 vars F F1 : Services .
 vars Cs Css : Components .
 var I : InstalledCs .
 var PP : Prop .
 var cnf :  Configuration .
 var E : EnvVars .
 var G : Graph .
 op safety : -> Prop .
ops initial-conf : -> Configuration .
eq initial-conf = my-conf .
 eq ctx( E , < C , P , F , C Cs > I , G ) cnf |= safety = false .
 eq ctx(E , < C , P  , F , Cs > < CC , P1  , F1 , C Css > I , G) cnf |= safety = false .
 eq cnf |= PP = true [owise] .

i wanna write strategy well just for try strategy language on rl [install] : ctx( E , I , G ) C : D => if  ( not ( C BelongsTo ForbiddenC(I)) and  evalDep( D , ctx( E , I , G ) )) then ctx( E , < C , PSDep( D , ctx( E , I , G )), FSDep( D , ctx( E , I , G )), FCDep( D , ctx( E , I , G ))>  I, modify(G , C , D , PSDep(D, ctx( E , I , G )))) else ctx( E , I , G ) fi .

it's about how to instal an component & there's some conditions to install it can you help me to write an simple strategy

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