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k-user - [K-user] new user: assignment by reference (as in PHP) and available operations on "Maps"

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[K-user] new user: assignment by reference (as in PHP) and available operations on "Maps"

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Daniele Filaretti <dfilaretti AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [K-user] new user: assignment by reference (as in PHP) and available operations on "Maps"
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 13:48:27 +0100
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>

Dear all,
I'm Daniele, first year PhD student at Imperial College London.
I came across K a couple of weeks ago and I'm not familiar with rewriting
logic (I'm more used to think in terms of big-step operational semantics), so
I hope my questions will not be too boring.

I'm trying to write a rule for reference assignment as found in PHP:

> x = 5;
> y = &x; // <---

Basically I want to assign to variable $y the address of variable $x.
However, this "references" are not pointers as in C, but they just provide
variable aliasing. It is wrong to do something like 'y = &x + 1' and so on.
Moreover, '&x' itself its not an expression in the language (I saw that
something like this is done in CHALLENGE, in the paper 'An Overview of the K
Semantics Framework, but my case looks different).

What i need to do is: when a statement 'X:Id := & Y:Id' is found:
- look in the environment (mapping var. names to addresses). If Y is mapped
to address N, then update the environment by mapping also X to N.

I've been trying to write some rules, but none of them works. I suspect that
the operation cannot be expressed 'atomically' in K. My first trial was
something like:

> rule [ass_ref_1]:
> <k> X := & Y:Id => . ... </k>
> <env> ... Y |-> N => X |-> N ... </env>

but of course it is wrong because it 'destroys' the mapping of Y into address
I tried several variations on this but with no luck. I think that the problem
lies in the fact that I have to 'rewrite' in some way what I match (the
mapping Y |-> N in this case). But I don't want to rewrite, I want to add
another mapping, X |-> N. Maybe I have to split this operation into two or
more simpler ones?

I was also thinking about using 'when':

> rule [ass_ref_1]:
> <k> X := & Y:Id => . ... </k>
> <env> Rho:Map => Rho[N\X] </env>
> when <condition on Rho saying that Y |-> N>

The problem here is that I can't find the appropriate condition. I didn't
found any documentation, and on the tutorials there is just the 'in Keys Rho'

Any advice? Thanks a lot!

Kind Regards,
Daniele Filaretti

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