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[K-user] Printing

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Brandon Hill <bgh.list.reader AT>
  • To: k-user AT
  • Subject: [K-user] Printing
  • Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 14:09:55 -0700
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>

I am trying to model a language that prints the resulting value from
each expression. The examples show how to explicitly print with an
explicit print function, a Printable sort, and an output list. I'm
not entirely clear how that Printable works.

Without it, I get:

[Fatal Error] :1:1: Premature end of file.
Error: Error while reading XML:Premature end of file.


(#ostream( 1 )) (#buffer( (.) ))

as output. Here is a trimmed down version of what I tried:

module RT-SYNTAX

syntax Val ::= Int

syntax Expr ::= Id | Val
> Id "<-" Expr [right, strict(2)]

syntax Stmt ::= Expr ";" [strict]
| Stmt Stmt [left]

syntax Pgm ::= Stmt


module RT
imports RT-SYNTAX

syntax Val ::= "void"

syntax KResult ::= Val

configuration <T color="yellow">
<k color="green"> $PGM:Pgm </k>
<env color="LightSkyBlue"> .Map </env>
<heap color="white"> .Map </heap>
<nextLoc color="gray"> 0 </nextLoc>
<out color="Orchid" stream="stdout"> .List </out>

rule [declaration]:
<k> X:Id <- V:Val => void ...</k>
<env>... Rho => Rho[L/X] ...</env>
<heap>... . => L |-> V ...</heap>
<nextLoc> L => L +Int 1 </nextLoc>
when notBool(X in keys(Rho)) [transition]

rule [lookup]: <k> X => V ...</k>
<env>... X |-> L ...</env>
<heap>... L |-> V ...</heap> [supercool, transition]

rule [sequential]: (S1:Stmt S2:Stmt) => (S1 ~> S2) [structural]

rule <k> (V:Val; ~> K:K) => K ...</k>
<out>... . => ListItem(V) </out>
when V =/=K void

rule <k> (void; ~> K:K) => K ...</k>


I also tried ListItem(Int2String(V)) but that doesn't work either.

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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