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k-user - Re: [K-user] how strictness annotations generate invalid terms

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Re: [K-user] how strictness annotations generate invalid terms

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan AT>
  • To: "Rosu, Grigore" <grosu AT>
  • Cc: "k-user AT" <k-user AT>
  • Subject: Re: [K-user] how strictness annotations generate invalid terms
  • Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:15:28 +0300
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>

Thanks for your help,

> Even in purely syntactic definitions, you end up extending the syntax of
> expressions with new values. For example, adding closures to an
> environment-based definition of lambda calculus

I don't understand this argument. My implementation also has
environments and closures. Here's how I implemented functions without
having `syntax Exp ::= Val`:

(only relevant parts are pasted below)

syntax Val ::= Function(Map, Names, Block)

syntax Block ::= ... // think a list of statements

syntax Names ::= ... // think a list of identifiers for formal
parameters of function

rule <k> functiondef(funcbody(novararg(Names), Block)) =>
Function(ClosureEnv, Names, Block) ... </k>
<env> ClosureEnv </env>

function application is kinda long(because of manually handling
heating/cooling etc) so I'll won't paste here but it works great.

Solutions with :: and directly coding in KAST didn't work(I got same
errors). So instead I ended up with adding `syntax Exp ::= Val` for

(rest of this email contains my random ideas on this topic while I had
while debugging my programs with strictness annotations and replacing
strictness annotations with rules)

This is how I'd design strictness annotations(but I'm probably wrong
since I'm just a beginner in K).

Let's say I have this syntax:

syntax Exp ::= P(Exp, Exp, Exp) [strict]

for intermediate steps while fully evaluating this expression, I'd
design the K framework so that these syntax and rules would be
automatically generated:

syntax K ::= P__rw_1(Val, Exp, Exp) [strict]
| P__rw_2(Exp, Val, Exp) [strict]
| P__rw_3(Exp, Exp, Val) [strict]

rule P(E1, E2, E3) => E1 ~> P__rw_1(HOLE, E2, E3)
rule P(E1, E2, E3) => E2 ~> P__rw_1(E1, HOLE, E3)
rule P(E1, E2, E3) => E3 ~> P__rw_1(E1, E2, HOLE)

rule V:Val ~> P__rw_1(HOLE, E2, E3) => P__rw_1(V, E2, E3)
rule V:Val ~> P__rw_2(E1, HOLE, E3) => P__rw_2(E1, V, E3)
rule V:Val ~> P__rw_3(E1, E2, HOLE) => P__rw_3(E1, E2, V)

and then same rule generation scheme applies to P__rw_1, P__rw_2,
P__rw_3 too. In the end we'll end up with:

syntax K ::= P__rw(Val, Val, Val)

and this would give the user full control of evaluation with strongly
typed manner. (ie. without fighting with K framework parser)

Ömer Sinan Ağacan

2013/9/19 Rosu, Grigore
<grosu AT>:
> That's not a good idea in general. Even in purely syntactic definitions,
> you end up extending the syntax of expressions with new values. For
> example, adding closures to an environment-based definition of lambda
> calculus, or adding "error" values to catch division-by-zero, etc. While
> you could argue that you don't want to change the original syntax for
> semantic reasons, it is in fact acceptable and common practice. But if you
> still don't want to, then so be it, let's try to find a solution your way.
> BTW, I noticed in general that you write more than you should in your
> rules. For example,
> rule <k> printExps(V1:Val , Rest) => . ... </k>
> is completely equivalent to
> rule printExps(V1:Val , Rest) => .
> You should be able to "shut up" the parser by doing this:
> rule printExps((V1:Val)::Exp , Rest) => .
> This rule still performs the dynamic check that V1 is a Val, but for
> parsing reasons it tells K to treat it as an Exp (note the :: used for
> syntactic casting instead of :). If this does not work (sorry, cannot try
> it now myself), then you should be able to replace it with
> rule printExps(V1::Exp , Rest) => . when isVal(V1)
> Finally, don't forget that syntax in K is nothing but syntactic sugar :)
> You can always work with KASTs:
> rule 'printExps`(_`)(V1:Val,, Rest) => .
> This way you take the parser out of the picture completely.
> Grigore
> ________________________________________
> From: Ömer Sinan Ağacan
> [omeragacan AT]
> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:26 AM
> To: Rosu, Grigore
> Cc: Moore, Brandon Michael;
> k-user AT
> Subject: Re: [K-user] how strictness annotations generate invalid terms
> No. In my program I deliberately want to avoid doing such a thing (for
> debugging purposes, correctness, etc.)
> ---
> Ömer Sinan Ağacan
> 2013/9/19 Rosu, Grigore
> <grosu AT>:
>> Do you have syntax Exp ::= Val somewhere?
>> Grigore
>> ________________________________________
>> From:
>> k-user-bounces AT
>> [k-user-bounces AT]
>> on behalf of Ömer Sinan Ağacan
>> [omeragacan AT]
>> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:18 AM
>> To: Moore, Brandon Michael
>> Cc:
>> k-user AT
>> Subject: Re: [K-user] how strictness annotations generate invalid terms
>> This is very, very confusing. Let's say I have this syntax:
>> syntax Exps ::= List{Exp, ","}
>> syntax K ::= printExps(Exps) [strict]
>> Now I want to write a rule about printExps syntax.
>> rule <k> printExps(V1:Val , Rest) => . ... </k>
>> But this doesn't work because printExp argument should be Exps, which
>> means V1 should be Exp. Here's the error message:
>> [Error] Critical: type error: unexpected term 'V1:Val ' of sort
>> 'Val', expected sort 'Exp'.
>> File: /home/omer/K/lua-semantics/lua.k
>> Location: (29,17,29,23)
>> ... this is so frustrating. After heating and cooling that Exps will
>> be rewritten to Vals, which is list of values with same syntax. I have
>> a hundred extra syntax rules because of manually handling HOLE
>> variables and heating/cooling because of this kind of weird problems.
>> ---
>> Ömer Sinan Ağacan
>> 2013/9/18 Ömer Sinan Ağacan
>> <omeragacan AT>:
>>> Thanks. This explains everything.
>>> ---
>>> Ömer Sinan Ağacan
>>> 2013/9/18 Moore, Brandon Michael
>>> <bmmoore AT>:
>>>> Your grammar is only enforced during parsing.
>>>> After the definition is compiled, return is just a label that may be
>>>> applied to a list of children.
>>>> In particular, the automatically generated cooling rule only puts a side
>>>> condition that enforces IsKResult, which nil passes.
>>>> Brandon
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From:
>>>> k-user-bounces AT
>>>> [k-user-bounces AT]
>>>> on behalf of Ömer Sinan Ağacan
>>>> [omeragacan AT]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 3:57 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> k-user AT
>>>> Subject: [K-user] how strictness annotations generate invalid terms
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I already asked this question two days ago but still couldn't get an
>>>> answer, sorry for repeating but I'm still confused about this.
>>>> What I don't understand is when I have this syntax of expressions and
>>>> values:
>>>> module TEST
>>>> syntax Exp ::= "nilExp" | return(Exp) [strict]
>>>> syntax Val ::= "nil"
>>>> syntax KResult ::= Val
>>>> rule <k> nilExp => nil ... </k>
>>>> endmodule
>>>> I don't understand how can heating/cooling rules generate the term
>>>> `return(nil)` because according to this syntax rules this term should
>>>> not be possible. (return takes Exp as argument, not Val).
>>>> This rule
>>>> rule <k> weird => return(nil) ... </k>
>>>> is rejected by kompiler (but `weird => return(nilExp) ... ` works)
>>>> Can anyone explain me how does that work?
>>>> ---
>>>> Ömer Sinan Ağacan
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> k-user mailing list
>>>> k-user AT
>> _______________________________________________
>> k-user mailing list
>> k-user AT

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